


Reviews: Orijen

Reviews of Orijen
Reviews in other countries
  • Published by on 11/12/2021

    Des croquettes avec des matires premires de qualit adaptes

    See Cat Fit & Trim
  • Published by on 09/12/2021

    Excelente pienso

    See Original
  • Published by on 07/12/2021

    Produit trs bien mais un peu cher !!

    See Original
  • Published by on 07/12/2021

    tres bon produit !

    See Six Fish
  • Published by on 04/12/2021

    El mejor pienso del Mercado a mi gata le encanta!

    See Six Fish
  • Published by on 01/12/2021

    Les encanta. De muy buena calidad... Pero hay que controlarles mucho la cantidad de comida, porque sino, como les gusta tanto se ponen como "pelotas"

    See Regional Red
  • Published by on 29/11/2021

    Excellentes croquettes, nanmoins pourquoi les sacs ne sont-ils pas sous vide, contrairement d'autres fournisseurs ?

    See Original
  • Published by on 29/11/2021

    Bon produit apprci de ma chienne qui maintient son poids de forme.

    See Dog Fit & Trim
  • Published by on 29/11/2021


    See Regional Red
  • Published by on 29/11/2021

    Ottimo prodotto

    See Small Breed
  • Published by on 27/11/2021

    Nos chattes on un poils magnifique et sont en bonne sants, trs bon produits

    See Six Fish
  • Published by on 26/11/2021


    See Snack Six Fish
  • Published by on 24/11/2021

    Excellents croquettes !

    See Dry Puppy Large
  • Published by on 24/11/2021

    Le sienta muy bien.

    See Dog Fit & Trim
  • Published by on 22/11/2021

    Buena calidad

    See Regional Red
  • Published by on 22/11/2021

    Buena calidad, el nico pienso que le gusta a mi gato "sibarita"

    See Original Cat
  • Published by on 21/11/2021

    Le contenue tait correct et correspondait la commande mais par contre le carton tait ventr

    See Original Cat
  • Published by on 21/11/2021

    non c' niente da dire...basta guardare e saper leggere gli ingredienti...ottimo!

    See Six Fish
  • Published by on 18/11/2021

    Para m un buen pienso para los canes mayores.

    See Senior Grain-Free Dry Dog Food
  • Published by on 17/11/2021

    producto excepcional

    See Cat Fit & Trim
  • Published by on 16/11/2021


    See Original
  • Published by on 16/11/2021

    Excellent produit !

    See Original Cat
  • Published by on 15/11/2021

    Excellent produit

    See Original
  • Published by on 15/11/2021

    Mon chihuahua les adore. Une des meilleures marques sur le march.

    See Small Breed
  • Published by on 10/11/2021

    lo mejor que he probado

    See Six Fish
  • Published by on 10/11/2021

    lo mejor que he probado

    See Regional Red
  • Published by on 08/11/2021

    Utilis depuis plusieurs annes, les chiens ont un beau poils et de belles crottes

    See Regional Red
  • Published by on 08/11/2021

    trs bon produit un prix attractif .

    See Dry Puppy Large
  • Published by on 08/11/2021

    A nuestros gatos les encanta

    See Original Cat
  • Published by on 08/11/2021

    Very high digestibility and great for coat health!

    See Puppy
  • Published by on 06/11/2021

    ainda nao di a minha gata

    See Original Cat
  • Published by on 03/11/2021

    Buena calidad y todo perfecto en el pedido.

    See Cat Fit & Trim
  • Published by on 03/11/2021

    Produit de trs bonne qualit, plus de diarrhes pour mon grand chien

    See Original
  • Published by on 01/11/2021

    produit impeccable les chiens adorent

    See Senior Grain-Free Dry Dog Food
  • Published by on 26/10/2021


    See Six Fish
  • Published by on 26/10/2021

    Nourriture d'excellente qualit si on se rfre aux ingrdients qui sont nots sur l'emballage.

    See Original Cat
  • Published by on 26/10/2021


    See Original Cat
  • Published by on 25/10/2021

    Bien quilibr et ador par nos chiens

    See Original
  • Published by on 23/10/2021


    See Original Cat
  • Published by on 22/10/2021

    El.oelo de mis gatos es brillante y suave, las heces se han reducido y apenas huelen y se mantienen en su peso. Y adems les encanta!

    See Cat Fit & Trim
  • Published by on 20/10/2021

    Trs bon qualite

    See Regional Red
  • Published by on 19/10/2021


    See Original Cat
  • Published by on 18/10/2021

    Je recommande , mon chien maintient son poids et est en forme

    See Senior Grain-Free Dry Dog Food
  • Published by on 17/10/2021

    Solemos comprar este pienso para nuestra mestiza de Carea de Len. Se lo come muy bien.

    See Original
  • Published by on 17/10/2021

    Ancora devo provarlo

    See Dog Fit & Trim
  • Published by on 14/10/2021

    Very appetizing, only treat that my very picky dog will not say no to. Expensive, but worth it.

    See Snack Original
  • Published by on 13/10/2021


    See Six Fish
  • Published by on 12/10/2021

    Le top de la croquuette

    See Six Fish
  • Published by on 12/10/2021

    Bonnes croquettes

    See Original
  • Published by on 12/10/2021

    Produto com boa qualidade e de grande aceitao pelo meu animal

    See Regional Red